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Building a successful event each year requires the effort of dozens of volunteers, Social Media Ambassadors (SMAs) and Chamber members, and this year is no different at the Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey (SHCCNJ) proudly hosting its flagship event, the 26th Annual Convention & Awards Luncheon on October 14.

The Chamber Annual Convention is an opportunity to bring together all those who work tirelessly with the Chamber and continue its mission of being the voice of the 80,000 Latino businesses in New Jersey. In this opportunity, we wanted to highlight the Chamber’s SMAs, a group of enthusiastic corporate and business owner individuals, who have naturally and voluntarily come together to root for the Chamber and its vast array of activities.

In this opportunity, we asked them two questions:

Why did you decide to become an Ambassador for the SHCCNJ?

What does the Annual Convention mean to you as a SMA?

To see all of our answers and read the remainder of the article: Click Here

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